Views on SME Business

How can you build a pool of dependable suppliers and service providers for your business?
By Invoice Bazaar | January 27, 2023
Healthy and dependable relationships with suppliers and service providers enable companies to minimize risks and ensure..

What aspects of startups do prospective employees love?
By Invoice Bazaar | January 24, 2023
A startup company is one that is yet to achieve its targets or goals. It will have to overcome various challenges and go through growth pains in due course of time..

Why should a small business owner learn to balance optimism and reality?
By Invoice Bazaar | January 21, 2023
As a business owner, you are accountable for everything that happens to your business enterprise, both good and bad. You are liable..

How can entrepreneurs create unlimited cash runway and avert closure of their startups?
By Invoice Bazaar | January 16, 2023
A startup runway or cash runway of a business essentially denotes the length of time it can continue to operate at its current..

What are the concrete advantages of being a small business venture?
By Invoice Bazaar | January 12, 2023
Though a small business may have many constraints, it also has many advantages because of its size, business model..

Which new year resolutions can make a small business owner more efficient?
By Invoice Bazaar | January 8, 2023
New year resolutions are promises or commitments we make to ourselves to change some of our personal or..

Companies should communicate their strategies very clearly to all employees so that everyone is well-aligned with each other
By Invoice Bazaar | January 2, 2023
The goals of a company and the strategies to achieve them may have to be tweaked..

If you don’t plan your cash flows, you will end up upsetting your creditors and employees
By Invoice Bazaar | December 28, 2022
A company’s cash flow shows the movement of cash into and out of its coffers. Cash flows in a company are mainly of three types..

Why should small business owners always assign accounting work to well-qualified accountants?
By Invoice Bazaar | December 26, 2022
As a small business owner, even if you have excellent knowledge of bookkeeping and..

Why should an entrepreneur take a vacation at regular intervals?
By Invoice Bazaar | December 24, 2022
Many entrepreneurs tend to live under chronic stress and anxiety. Even after realizing that they need to take a break, they keep putting it off because they have to deal with some..

What are some of the common and costly mistakes committed by entrepreneurs?
By Invoice Bazaar | December 19, 2022
We are all susceptible to making mistakes, and entrepreneurs naturally are inclined to make more mistakes than others because..

What are the different ways to futureproof your business?
By Invoice Bazaar | December 16, 2022
Futureproofing a business means making the concerned business enterprise resilient and flexible enough to withstand both predictable and unpredictable stresses that might come..